Apunix's random access 8mm cartridge stackers give users easily accessible high-capacity storage. Two models are available, one with 10 cartridges with a capacity of 70 GB, and the other 80-cartridge capacity with over a terabyte of storage available.The stackers come with Apunix's QuickChange software, which includes a SCSI driver and software to randomly access the cartridges. The changers also include Apunix's Network Backup Daemon software. Also available is Apunix's FarTool Software which permits users to archive and retrieve data in a tar compatible format at 20-2100 times the speed of a regular tar tape.
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Product Special Handling: None.
Apunix Computer Services
9555 Chesapeake Drive Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 495-9229
(800) 8-APUNIX
Fax: (619) 495-9230
Email: sales@apunix.com